A writing medium for CI 5410 to display my knowledge, or lack of knowledge, concerning the digital world.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Well, this is three weeks late, which is not a good beginning but a beginning nonetheless. Hopefully I won't forget my password this time (or lose the slip of paper I wrote it on) so I can have a live blog and contribute on a regular basis.
Perfect is boring It is in our flaws and imperfections that we laugh and cry and grow So embrace them and strive for perfection hoping you never quite get there.
Hello. This blog was created for the CI5410 course at the University of Minnesota. I am excited to take this course in order to further develop my budding skills. Digital writing is the future of the English classroom and I am eager to begin and share this with my students in order to prepare them for life outside of school.
Outside of this course I am able to keep myself quite busy. I currently teach English 10 & 11 as well as media class full time at a rural school in southern Minnesota. I enjoy teaching and enjoy my students and honestly look forward to seeing them each day (though I honestly look forward to my weekends as well). When I am not teaching I spend time with my family. My family begins with a supportive husband who has stood by my side for over twelve years-I couldn't do half of what I do without him here to help and encourage me. Together we have four incredible children: Karl, 9; Abigail, 7; Aine (On-yah), 3; and baby Samuel, our three-month-old. The six of us live chaotically together in our humble happy home in smalltown USA.
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